Cutest Animal Videos Will Make You Smile
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1. Happy Monday! I hope you have an awesome week that is full of big smiles
From @librathegsd
2. I would NEVER stop kissing that
From @soychonitabonita
3. I... will... get... it
From @tosha_and_pushkin
4. Sportful
From @hanacockatoo
5. How would you name them?
From @trudis.hedgehogs
6. Catto vs dog playing
From @annasafehome
7. Keep massaging my head please thank you.” - Miss T
From @kellydinhamphoto
8. Yes you can hold my paw if you want to
From @pugloulou
9. Can’t get enough of those beagly ears I suppose
From @thebeagleandthebun
10. Mommy took me to see grandpa's aquarium, tried to eat the fish, mom said no, she said it would make grandpa sad
From @blizzard.che
11. I sneezed myself awake, can’t believe we gots this on camera
From @percythecurious
12. Happy Little Coffee
From @ducks_in_space_
13. how chonky am i on a scale of 1-10?
From @peppermintbear
14. Growing up together
From @arthur_the_ginger_pig
15. Leaving work on Friday like
From @rosie_minidoxie
16. Enjoy the green
From @simba_bluemerleborder
17. What chu doin?
From @kikiandkilo
18. Things that make kittens excited, Look at this cutie
From @roccothetiger
19. She’s a princess and she knows it
From @britishbrothers
20. High Five to You and You and You and You and You
From @pbj_pack
21. Time to go in, guys
From @woodwink3d