Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #43
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1. Dog squad goals!
From @samandlevi.thegoldenboys
2. Ever bring your pet dog to the spa before?
From @slinkythesausagepup
3. German Shepherd mixed with husky dogs are majestic animals!
From @mackeytheshepsky
4. Having a pet frog can be a ton of fun!
From littlefoot59
5. Husky dogs are such goofs sometimes! True derps, really!
From @taco.husky
6. Imagine having a pet hummingbird!
From @bird.person666
7. Living with a tortoise is one heck of a life!
From @jjcarboun
8. Pet raccoons are the very best!
From @itssarahthyme
9. Pitbull dogs are just so darn adorable!
From @bennythebluestaffy
10. Sometimes dogs make the darndest sounds! Lol
From coelacanx
11. The interaction between these two dogs melts my friggin heart!
From @roseflower_frenchies
12. The love of a cat is something extra special!
From @catnamedroswell
13. The most unique and bizarre cat alive!
From @marleymalin
14. The way this cat hugs makes me feel all the feels!
From @tara_bazyari
15. This adorable dog has the best face ever!
From @chasin_chester
16. This albino alligator is breathtaking
From @gatorland_orlando
17. This albino praying mantis is adorable!
From @hanammartin
18. This alligator is living his best life!
From @georgevujanovic
19. This cat and dog are the best of friends!
From @sazrahproducer
20. This cat attacked out of nowhere!
From @datcatdoug @kaileemccown_
21. This cat does not want to get out of bed!
From @theginge05
22. This dog has like zero patience and it's adorable!
From @matarmstrongbmx
23. This octopus was just trying to hitch a ride!
From @andriana_marine @alexis_underthesea @chiaraphoto
24. Wait for it. Wait for what the cart ends up looking like! Lol
From @abbyy_gibson
25. When a floof bird takes a bath!
From brad.macklin