Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #57

Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #57



1. I’ll take them all. ALL of the puppies!


2. And now I’m crying! Dogs make us have all the emotions!

From @loiscooper

3. Brush brush brush the doggo! Lol.


4. Did this dog just wave at the end?

From @h_marroquin17

5. Do you ever wonder what our pets named us? Honestly though!

From @goodboyrobin

6. Doggo just learnt a new trick and now won’t stop doing it!

From @kylesimmo999

7. Dogs do not like it when their hooman has to leave this house!

From @mastiff__mafia

8. Dogs will just sleep anywhere!


9. Horse vs. dog! Lol.


10. How can this puppy possibly be comfortable!?


11. I will protect this dog with my life!

From @theultimatedogmom

12. My heart!!! This baby sheep is everything!

From @will.youngg_

13. My respect for the dog owner is big!

From @kodathekelpiekross

14. No dog should be going hungry!

From @yosoygreko

15. Now you HAVE to take doggo to the park!


16. So fluffy, so perfect, so puppy!

From @petstylistt

17. The cat game!


18. This dog is sooo excited!

From @mylathebluestaff

19. To this day it remains a mystery to these doggos!

From @goldengirl_xena

20. Two wholesome dogs!

From @molsonandmaple

21. What is going on with this horse?


22. When you own a derp dog! Lol.


23. Who else wants to try this with their dog?

From @ovisualsz

24. Why is every dad like this with the dog? Lol.

From @lleahsophie

25. You don’t mess with this dog and his morning walks!

From @cal_h98

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