Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #73
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1. How did we end up here
When you lied on your resume but got the job anyway
2. Eating trash & sinning: my 2 fav things
3. Best exterminators in the business
It's like one of those sticky hands except it can love you back
From lilothechameleon
4. Crabby patty irl
5. Besties for the resties
From r.krueger10
6. Dad: 1
Bear: 0
New dad lore dropped
From @makkyyb
7. Disney princess irl
From @jchoumane
8. Dolphin zoomies
From emmadelaney4
9. He flop
From peterandsquish
10. He just wants to fix the soup!
From @ceylanhannah1
11. He’s keeping Chippy safe
From @_geeeemini_
12. His neck’s a little short but we’ll let it slide
From shmerika
13. I’m forseeing a Romeo and Juliet situation here
From @kaitlyntan
14. Kids will be kids
Think the sheep feels like he’s getting a free message?
From ayella.onmyfarm
15. Man: 1, Bear: 0
The driver was bearly even fazed…
From @ring
16. Me and who?
From laughhard__
17. My toxic trait is I would keep all of them
From @kimberleybulmerjobe
18. Oh to be a moose frolicking in the sun. Family trip to Walmart
From @sharing_alaska
19. Suddenly I’m wide awake
From @emmasanimals2023
20. The question is who conditioned who?
From @visitwells
21. The shock I experienced when an actual giraffe popped up 😭
From @toni.rafferty
22. This is your sign to compliment every Asian Water Monitor you come across
From @jasonkpargin
23. Yes I’m working….. Working on myself 🥱
24. You have been chosen
From @ramblinbirdie
25. You wanna see some real speed?
From @24k_korleon