Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #74

Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #74

The Team



1. He's positively bamboozled


2. He's so eepy


3. Just wants to be out on the course with the boys

From TT

4. The hottest new accessory of the season


5. Oh to be a little squirrel having a sprinkle party 🥹

From @little_thumbelina_girl

6. He’s the guardian of the river! Good job


7. Diving capy: unlocked

From joe_smith2002

8. Good for Chunk

From @chunk_the_groundhog


From coyotewoman

10. He’s so ready for Cinco de Mayo

From @the_goat_kyle_tn

11. I believe it

From TT

12. Most iconic friendship I’ve ever witnessed

From @happyenchantedhome

13. They’ll be jumping over the moon in no time

From @kensingtonprairiefarm

14. He waited so patiently 🥹

From samguptuppy

15. Me and who??

From manon_lovesit

16. Someone come get their kids 🗣️


17. It’s true, I’m the bearded dragon

From thestrongstyledmama

18. Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!

From @floridaspringscouncil

19. Invented the Pretty Girl Walk!

From @offtherailspygmygoats

20. No one’s trying to cross Gary in a dark alleyway

From @rheadhakal

21. New office mascot!

From @tiablantzy

22. He’s such a hard worker

From @leahpalian

23. A single mom who works too hard 

From smudgeandruby

24. Underwater capybaras 🥹

From @birds_underwater

25. I want an invite to Jude’s next bday party

From zeenabenjamin

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