Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #85

Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #85

The Team



1. The goose was ready to absolutely rage

From @the.prickly.pear

2. Steve just wants to whisper sweet nothings into your ears

From @jacobsridgeanimalsanctuary

3. Don’t bite my knee
🦝: 🦷

From @shredderr.__

4. You can really tell they’re siblings


5. It’s Kirby’s state of the art waiting room 

From bb.baphomet

6. I’d like one in every color please

From user0fc7uca7m1

7. Just don’t get on his bad side

From @knight_thepit

8. Elbert’s on X Games mode

From @denverzoo

9. And this is why wolves are apex predators

From @apexprotectionproject

10. They all pulled up

From @amazinganimalsinc

11. Don’t scare us like that Steven!

From glittergreigy

12. He’s a gentleman of the night

From itsme.meganlee

13. I trust her judgment

From @thehospitalcats

14. Miffy just has understandably high standards


15. This is a late night heart attack waiting to happen 😳

From @dexterdogouray

16. Nobody’s gonna know

From @phillychinchilly

17. I still don’t believe they’re real

From @508gs

18. Ollie is such a good friend

From @good.boy.ollie

19. Prepare for chaos

From @sullyandirwin

20. Jumpscare. Ma’am, do you need directions? I’m here to help. Ma’am!!😂

From yarrowthegreenwitch

21. I feel like I deserve to give them a little boop too

From @edgarsmission

22. His boots are made for walkin

From @niamhs_ark33

23. I love how punctual they are

From heyy.its.mason

24. I hope Mrs. Jingles is having a great seaside vacation

From martincritchlow

25. They’ve officially been adopted by the rabbit

From golf_ffs

26. Quail haters aren’t welcome here

From @fathenfarms

27. No treats? Check again

From @mistymountainlegends

28. Put some respect on their names

From @taralovesfitness

29. Olympian-level skills

From @oreo.thebunnyrabbit

30. Why didn’t you say that earlier? 

From @gamjamypotato

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