Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #87

Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #87

The Team



1. He was VERY gentle tbf. If not friend, then why friend shape

From @andy_riedman

2. None of these are red flags when he looks like this

From @chinpals

3. You know what, it’s hard out there for a kid. The synced cry tho

From @the_frenchiefarm

4. He belongs on the silver screen

From @teddytheminiaturedachsy

5. It’s no longer a problem if you’re friends

From @sophie.hafner

6. He’s crashing the party

From liam7682

7. Wishing everyone a Sunday as happy as Aurora’s

From @aurorathecow_

8. Bubble time must NEVER be interrupted

From charlotte_thelotl

9. The deed is done

From @bloozchicken

10. He’s one lucky duck

From @lilquackheads

11. From now on I’ll be carrying a bottle full of ice everywhere I go

From @athenadonnelly

12. The majestic and elusive merdog

From @cath.y.hammond

13. We love corn here 🫶

From @cincinnatizoo

14. I mean birds are literally dinosaurs so this is a completely valid fear

From @hudsonbegood

15. Oh to be guzzling down an entire wheelbarrow full of tomatoes without a care in the world

From @theryleeranch

16. Bestie had to help a little but he got there in the end

From @chutneys.clowder

17. Well then how does your hedgehog take a load off after a long day?

From existential_hog

18. He’s living the life

From @ajmccahill

19. I wish someone would dunk ME face first into a bucket of french fries

From bone.max

20. So much space to run around

From @oakleydoodlegram

21. Aw her horse is so cute 😍

From @yudyandaflak

22. Raise your hand whenever you hear a beep

From @navarres.wild.shots

23. They’re beefing

From @sofi_lesta

24. Let me make myself comfortable

From jackson.and.bear

25. I knew every single Australian had a kangaroo in their house

From gunna1978

26. I need to find out how I can get my own highland cow

From @lovechloejane

27. I think this means you have to get rid of the baby

From @joanacarr

28. I would expect nothing less from a french doggo

From @pam_boy

29. God what I’d give to live here

From @edgarsmission

30. He does what he wants!

From pipsqueaktheguineapiggy

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