Funny Animal Videos Will Make Your Day
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1. Place your guesses now, Guinea big is the best nickname for a capybara.
2. I love this game
3. Giddy up. “Smell of swine and sweet trash fumes.”
4. Cow, lamb, or doggo? Aww so precious
From @walkinpets
5. Cannonball pros. Watched it too many times!
From capybaraclique TT
6. Oh to be a wild moose wading through pristine, ice cold water without a care in the world
From @mikeykoziura
7. You must be 17’ or taller, It’s exactly what I mean
From syrupmakingrhino TT
8. Scheming on how to get more treats. They plotting a coup rn
From mnielsen97 TT
9. Too BIG?? He just said "I can do it myself"
From @matijomusic
10. She’s trotting, How is the timing on this so perfect
From @mini_mimey
11. I’m gonna have the best morning ever, this is otterly awesome
From @kp.assionate
12. They’re so me, We Love the bunny flops
From @_honeysbunnies_
13. What would the plot be? they’re going to an underground rave
14. Best of friends
From cheyennetylerberry TT
15. Please not in front of the entire school. Her eyeliner is on point
16. My invite must’ve gotten lost in the mail. What a magical birthday
From @brittany_vacca
17. A couple of your cats look kinda weird
From @lilytheskunk
18. Good Boy Ollie is not living up to his name! Perfectly executed
From @good.boy.ollie
19. The mini ketchup bottle really sells me on the hot dog
From @phillychinchilly
20. The only trick or treater I wanna see tonight
From @denzelandleonardo
21. The sequel we all deserved
From @wildrootsfarming
22. "Ok now pick the toy up and bring it back to me”
From @sinclairrabbitry
23. No more Jurassic Park movies, this is clearly better than anything they could make
From definitelynotdarla TT
24. This is my literal dream. There is so much adorable and derpy chaos in here
From @pipkochel