Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #17
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1. Mike the situation?
From fetchfamilypetresort on TT
2. Oh then here we go
3. The both looked back like so u ain’t gon help us?
4. True story of dis weekend. Guess my broke hooman need to get my own puppy pool
I learnt about salt water poisoning after this weekend. Luckily, both Maui and ruby got recovered the next day. But please remember to bring plenty fresh water and encourage doggos to stay hydrated when they swim in the ocean
From @maui_thegoldenpup
5. 15 no 28 no actually 72
From @dustinpup
6. A bite of love, Give this cutie a love
7. And still going
8. Cutest hitch hiker!
From @powerboat.training
9. Funniest
10. Digging for treasure
From @yellowlabmarine
11. don’t feed him after midnigh
From @screechollie
12. He’s falling behind on orders
From @tt0niann
13. I really thought the leash was in my hand as I took the video of the waterfall. Luckily, she doesn’t actually like waterfalls so she came right back.
14. If you were wondering how I spent my 8th birthday, it was me doing whatever I wanted and what I wanted was to play dead
From @lord_le0
15. I'll just take the spoon too
From gxm74
16. it’s a hard life being Noodle
From @noodletheminisausage @tildeand
17. It’s always a great day when you get to see an alligator!
18. Just an adorable video of a baby Ellie, it's just too cute. Oh how beautiful our world is because of the elephants.
From @r_daps
19. Looks fun
20. Me during a presentation
From @zbeelyy
21. Morning cuddles be like…
22. Panda or dog?
23. "Personally, I can't let that slide."
From @linamariecg
24. Sometimes it takes a few shots to get the perfect shot
From @kaiserstheshepherd
25. they’ve had this conversation before
From @kelly_bove @jasonbankscomedy
26. This is so wholesome
From helperdognala
27. This is the puppies way of asserting dominance
28. Thorns may hurt you, man desert you, sunlight turn to fog. But you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog
29. When the girls are away, the boys will play!!
30. Who's gonna tell him lol
From @baileyakeller
31. who would like to see Boomsie and Brodie being carried together?
From @boomer_the_landcloud
32. Here babe, I got us thousands of dollars in vet bills
33. He trips on the way back in
From @sky._the_corgi