Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #2

Funny Animal Videos Will Cheer You Up #2

KingdomOfCat Admin



1. Awww he just loves cuddles, he can’t help it. You know, Samoyed is a peace loving guy

From @meetyoupet via TT

2. Squirrels are cute

From  @angelinashortpics

3. Awwww that’s otterly adorable & captured so beautifully

From @tomellisphotography via TT

4. I love bunnies! This made my day! (10/10 would recommend in pie and stews)

From @walshdelaney

5. Bando practicing running from the feds

From  @nellandbando

6. Bout ta throw paws with this damn cage door

From yo_hoho 

7. Haha just drink from it you little cutie pie

From @gelsey59 via TT

8. He’s so adorable stop

From @justmeandmykitten

9. His face. Plot twist: the cameraman is in fact looking into a mirror.

From @manuellelegalli

10. I don’t want one, I need one

From @joeyjosselson

11. I looove when the babies were getting fed on their back

From @mateuszpiesiak via TT

12. I love that he knows that’s what it’s for

From  @hdbrosriley

13. Inlove how she paused to look

From @sapphie_the_pomsky via TT

14. OMG so this is what the fox says

From @arcticfoxdaily via TT

15. Perfect timing

From  @ferretdaddy

16. Scary, but I do love his cool beard

From @evanleighk via TT

17. So cute and tiny

From  @happyy521

18. Thank you for saving those babies

From @johnkennedyvaughan via TT

19. The cat in the middle, has seen it way to many times

From @dabao508 via TT

20. The otter pup wanted a kiss

From @ttv.frankcuesta via TT

21. The timing is perfect! I’ve watched it over and over again

From @blancobun via TT

22. The way he went bug eyed when it moved

From @dawgmemes via TT

23. These little guys are so cute

From @goldenmonkey515 via TT

24. We don’t deserve dogs… They are so pure of heart

From hdbrosriley via TT

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