Meet ‘Betty The Weather Cat’, The Kitty Who Went Viral After Bombing Her Meteorologist Dad’s At-Home Forecast
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These days, people have been urged to work from home if they are able to.
As a result, Jeff Lyons, a meteorologist for Indiana’s 14 News, has begun broadcasting his weather forecasts from home.
But, like many other people, Lyons has found that working from home can get quite tricky when you share your home with little pets who think you should give them your undivided attention.
When Lyons’s kitty, Betty, saw her daddy working from home, she realized that this could be her big break; she was going to get on camera and steal the show.
While Lyons was giving his broadcast, Betty persuaded him to include her in the shot. In between takes, Lyons humoured the little cat’s request and showed her off to the camera.
The clip was later broadcasted on 14 News and viewers immediately fell in love with the beautifully fluffy little cat.
Betty quickly went viral, and now she’s regularly appearing in Lyons’s broadcast as his cute little honorary co-presenter.
In one clip, she even got her own little “lower third graphic” in which she was referred to by her new nickname: “Betty the Weather Cat”.
Betty is a complete natural and Lyons better watch out or this little kitty may just steal his job!
Meteorologist Jeff Lyons has recently begun delivering his forecasts from home.
The adorable kitty has gone viral after joining her daddy on-screen…
… and people just can’t get enough of her.